“As a leader my most valuable asset is time. Time to plan, motivate and over-deliver against daily goals. Daily demands continually escalate, objectives constantly change and the ability to deliver agreed strategies is challenging.
What I liked most about Robert’s book is in one hour or less you can uncover and apply techniques that produce immediate results. Also the layout allowed me to quickly refer back to specific sections to refresh my knowledge.
From managing emails, motivating staff, achieving 20 hours of output in 10-12 hours to facilitating meaningful meetings, this book definitely has the tools to help me regain time and strengthen my leadership skills.
I believe this book is beneficial to anyone that aspires to improve their leadership skills and boost their performance. Robert’s book has changed my thinking and perception about key areas and will positively impact my team’s performance.”
Dean Sackett, COO Minor Global Solutions
Minor International Plc
“I like Robert’s book very much and experienced many déjà vu’s throughout the reading. It covers a wide range of challenges we all face daily like delegating, presenting, negotiating and more….then applies fundamental, practical, ‘soft skills’
solutions to effectively manage them.
Its holistic, humorous approach also makes it an interesting, fun, easy to read and implement roadmap to success. The
great tips throughout offer insights into
the ‘how’ of successfully dealing
with chaotic times.
In my opinion, this book is a must
have desktop manual for anyone open
to stretching their thinking
and improving results.”
Dr. Claus Weidner, Chief Operating Officer
Mercedes-Benz Hong Kong Limited
"Robert has delivered a superb performance on Leadership Skills & Techniques. This book "has it all": simply written, clearly presented and goes "right to the point" with well described real-life and business situations and ready to use Solutions.
Readers will not be drawn under the academic theories of Leadership as this book offers the Practical side of LEADING: you will have it with you everywhere you go!”
Thierry Lacarne, Group Head of HR , Asia
LENZING Fibers ( HK) Ltd
“I have read books and books on Leadership and Management. But this one is truly exceptional. It is concise, succinct, practical and relevant. It is a must read for executives at all experience levels.
While it certainly reinforces business techniques we may already know and practice, it more importantly provides leaders with a holistic view of the ‘what’ and ‘how’ to be successful.”
Dennis Tang, CEO
Executives Global Network (HK) Limited
“Robert Edmonson’s “8 Smart Leadership Solutions” is insightful and timely. Competing in today’s global marketplace means not only engaging the “hands” and “hearts” of employees - but also their “heads.”
Edmonson cajoles and invites us to master the 8 necessary forms of intelligence that will make today’s leaders successful. This book offers new skills for garnishing employee commitment and increasing organizational effectiveness.”
Kenny Moore - Author “The CEO and the Monk” (John Wiley and Sons) rated as one of the top-ten best selling business books on Amazon.com
"I would recommend this book to anyone serious about improving their management awareness and ability and especially to those who wish to advance to higher levels of responsibility.
The sections are all relevant and clearly address skill sets that otherwise might take a long time to acquire. A very practical guide to effectively enhancing one’s managerial ability."
Dr. Aidan Goddard, Chief Financial Officer -Asia Pacific
L'Occitane en Provence
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“Every leader needs to read. Time is precious and selective reading is essential. Robert’s 8 SMART leadership SOLUTIONS is INTELLIGENCE brought into real world practice. It is easy on the eyes for all ages as the text size and spacing is excellent.
The TIPs serve as powerful reminders. The Words of Wisdom within each chapter brings a refreshing pause for reflection. Reading this book is the beginning. Applying the tips is progress. Demonstrating it daily is success.”
Dr Timothy Low, CEO of Farrer Park Hospital, Singapore